- رقم العضوية 9897285
- تاريخ آخر زيارة منذ 5 أشهر
- تاريخ التسجيل منذ 5 أشهر
السكن و الحالة الإجتماعية
- الجنسية باكستان
- مكان الإقامة باكستان لاهوري
- الحالة العائلية 26 سنة ارمل
مع طفل واحد - نوع الزواج زوجة ثانية
- الإلتزام الديني متدين كثيرا
- الصلاة أصلي اغلب الأوقات
المظهر و الصحة
- لون البشرة أبيض
- الطول و الوزن 181 سم , 69 كغ
- بنية الجسم قوام رياضي
- اللحية لا
- الحالة الصحية بصحة جيدة و الحمد لله
- التدخين لا
الدراسة و العمل
- المؤهل التعليمي دراسة جامعية
- مجال العمل شيء آخر
- الوظيفة Businessman
- الدخل الشهري بين 500 و 800 دولار
- الوضع المادي جيد
مواصفاتي أنا
I-m positive and too much pationated for my goals. Assalamu Alaikum! I am [Husain Nawaz]- and I-m here to share a beautiful chapter of my life with you. Alhamdulillah- I am blessed to be in a loving marriage that is grounded in faith- mutual respect- and companionship. My spouse and I believe in supporting each other-s growth and striving together to strengthen our Islamic values every day. We cherish family bonds- embrace life-s joys and challenges- and aspire to build a future filled with love- compassion- and steadfast devotion to Allah SWT. I am grateful for this journey and look forward to connecting with someone who shares similar values and dreams for a blessed partnership- Insha-Allah. Let-s explore this path together with sincerity and hope for Allah-s blessings.
مواصفات شريك حياتي
Assalamu Alaikum! As I embark on this journey- I am seeking a partner who values their faith above all else. Someone who strives to live a life pleasing to Allah SWT- grounded in humility- kindness- and sincerity. I believe in the beauty of compatibility rooted in mutual respect- trust- and open communication. My ideal partner is someone who shares a passion for growth- both spiritually and personally- and understands the importance of family in Islam. Together- we support each other-s dreams- share laughter- and face life-s trials hand-in-hand- with faith as our guide. If you are someone who values these principles and believes in the beauty of a halal relationship- let-s get to know each other with the intention of seeking Allah-s blessings in our union. May Allah guide us towards a fulfilling partnership- Insha-Allah.