- رقم العضوية 10360087
- تاريخ آخر زيارة متواجد الآن
- تاريخ التسجيل منذ 6 أيام
السكن و الحالة الإجتماعية
- الجنسية إندونيسيا
- مكان الإقامة إندونيسيا -
- الحالة العائلية 34 سنة آنسة
بدون أطفال - نوع الزواج الوحيدة
- الإلتزام الديني متدينة
- الصلاة أصلي دائما
المظهر و الصحة
- لون البشرة اسمر فاتح
- الطول و الوزن 160 سم , 70 كغ
- بنية الجسم سمينة
- الحالة الصحية باطنية
- التدخين لا
- الحجاب محجبة (كشف الوجه)
الدراسة و العمل
- المؤهل التعليمي دراسة جامعية
- مجال العمل مجال التدريس
- الوظيفة Lecturer
- الدخل الشهري أفضل أن لا أقول
- الوضع المادي أفضل أن لا أقول
مواصفاتي أنا
SOCIAL LIFE- I-m reserved yet sociable enough to maintain good relation with coworkers - neighbors. People judge me as someone who keep distance but offer deep thought. I-m trustworthy - keep people secret even if they dont demand me to do it. I don-t dig my friends problem except when they seemingly need support. I was brutally honest when someone distorted the fact. HOBBY- I recharge with reading books- journaling- sleep- reflect on-process information-count the blessings -it will look like daydreaming for observer-. I wanna try hiking - camping since long. No company- cancelled. BELOVED FAMILY- I-m not good in chit chat but it will be different with closed ones. Quirks here - there. Playfulness comes after trust. I-m attached to my family. I don’t wanna live in another country far from them. I hope future spouse ready to move here. MY JOB- I work as lecturer -of civil servant-. The job I got with istikharah along the process although I dislike to be civil servant -but love being a lecturer-. So- don’t ask me to stop working because now I know why Allah bent selection rule to let me passed. My Rabb knows best. FYI I-m not that career-ambitious. PARENTING SKILLS- How do I take care of children when working- The advantage is I have flexible work hours which benefit me a lot as a future mom. And whenever urgent- I bring baby-toddler to campus. Our campus is friendly enough. A glimpse how I take care toddler tantrum to get something they want- the case with my niece and nephews. I validated their emotion - their desire for toys- then repeated the rule concisely on their eye level while touching them until they notice no room for compromise. They successfully regulated the emotion. But in verbal outburst because of dissapointment- I let them for a minute or two because they need big emotional release then I listen- try not interrupt- not leaving or abandon them- then hugged - kissed them in the forehead. I verbalized my trust that they can cope. Almost every time- it worked. The difficulty level will double with my own children of course. The principle: They feel invisible - worthless if we dont listen. Rejecting their emotion means rejecting their whole all together. If they feel how compassionate their parents are- it will be easier to introduce Allah as the Most Compassionate. And the rules is there to protect them- not to punish. COOKING SKILL- I can cook- only simple dish. But I can-t guarantee it taste good. PERCEPTIVE - INTUITIVE NATURE- Allah give me sharp intuition- I can see pattern subconsciously. I often skipped my intuition when I’m anxious- exhausted- or doubting myself. Later I regret it. MY GROWTH- I-m slow paced person. I learn everything slowly step by step. For someone who like rushing- you will get impatient with me. Also- I have tendency to overcome my fear. I-m scared of people opinion but I still reject some invitation if it-s not beneficial. I expose myself to my own fear gradually in my own pace. I have many fears but those fears for years trained me to build internal dialogue with Allah - asking for His help even in tiny insignificant problem. MY RELIGIOUS PRACTICE--- I pray fardh 5 times a day. And Dhuha prayer occasionally. I do dzikr daily. And avoid a friend who like to complain - backbite- because I have likelihood to do so- better not gather. I don’t participate in Peusijuek -tradition with Hinduism legacy-- dzikir together - eating a feast in the deceased home after certain days of funeral- another bid-ah or anything ambigous. So I deviate from the norm here. I don-t do handshake with male colleagues. I wear hijab since 10 years old even my surrounding not into hijab yet. I listen to music related to resistance- revolution- from Anees- Macklemore- MC Abdul- Saleh Al Jafarawi.
مواصفات شريك حياتي
Assalamu-alaikum. I-m Arin. Lately- I recall my dream before Ramadhan. Brown Bull- I assume foreigner or strong man. It-s the reason I consider matrimonial app. Also- I remember my past prayer after seeing Gaza suffer. In my twenties- I asked Allah to let my children be His armies. Don-t know where it leads- what I have is trust to Allah-s plan. Allah will guide. So I need someone who: 1- have strong desire to protect me financially- physically- emotionally- spiritually. 2- can lead me with compassion- are lenient in showing my mistake. 3- don’t get irritated easily. 4- is sociable enough- but not get swayed easily by public expectation- can keep healthy boundaries. 5- is willing to listen- not always to be listened or understood. I’m not robot who please everyone all the time. 6- don’t smoke including e-cigarette or hookah- - anything similar. 7- used to lower gazes- not friendly with opposite gender. 8- wanna grow together- raise each other with patience so no one feel left behind. 9- if you tend to rushing things- I can complement you. I can give you perspective from various point of view- and remind you to think twice- to prevent regret. At the end- I trust you to decide. It will be a bonus if you like to travel - have survival skills. I have wanderlust this past two years. I wanna see the world Allah created- with spouse by my side. I-m ready with my sneakers- is it enough- The serious part is- Palestine calls us for Jihad. I imagine one day- if Allah allow- I-m in a journey to Palestine with my spouse despite the hardships. We go even if we should crawl to get there. I hope you have that vision- we prepare slowly but surely. Do not contact me if you: 1- demand me to wear niqab. 2- want me to stop working. 3- have desire to do poligamy. 4- are into porn. Intimacy with your halal lover is at stake. I heard how a wife suffer from this- even though she is beautiful. No barakah- no sakinah. Marriage cannot fix this- only you can- Brother. May Allah ease your steps to change it. I appreciate your understanding.