- رقم العضوية 10446338
- تاريخ آخر زيارة متواجد الآن
- تاريخ التسجيل منذ 11 يومًا
السكن و الحالة الإجتماعية
- الجنسية بنجلاديش
- مكان الإقامة أمريكا واشنطن
- الحالة العائلية 38 سنة عازب
بدون أطفال - نوع الزواج زوجة اولى
- الإلتزام الديني متدين كثيرا
- الصلاة أصلي دائما
المظهر و الصحة
- لون البشرة أبيض
- الطول و الوزن 165 سم , 73 كغ
- بنية الجسم قوام رياضي
- اللحية نعم
- الحالة الصحية بصحة جيدة و الحمد لله
- التدخين لا
الدراسة و العمل
- المؤهل التعليمي دراسة جامعية
- مجال العمل صاحب عمل خاص
- الوظيفة Business
- الدخل الشهري بين 3500 و 5000 دولار
- الوضع المادي ميسور
مواصفاتي أنا
https:--hypernotepad.com-share-0131532d8b33e648215e7a4a79099157 In this Mawada Website-App- I couldn’t make an Organized profile- so above link got an Organized profile or please just read below. Please Add me to your Favorate If you think i can be good for your Way To Jannah- then we can know each other more better. .SERIOUSLY looking for Islamic Marriage-My Persona: - I can Move-Relocate to my Wife-s country but But BUT i will get my own Visa as Allah-عَزَّ وَجَلَّ - has given me that ability- no problem- Alhamdulillah - My Business-Occupation : I am an Economical Analyst -Halal- and also a Researcher. My business is fully Online-Internet Based Platform- which means I just need a Laptop and Internet- and I can work from anywhere in the world- No Problem - I am Practicing Muslim- Solah- Zakat- Reading- Beard- Awrah ..............- - I can Speak-Understand- English- Bengali- Hindi- Urdu- Hungarian -Turkish- Azeri- Japanese- German- French and learning Beautiful Arabic language - My Wife - My Cute Friend to Jannah-Who will Stay with me For Ever- doesn’t matter Whatever Happens-. ONLY After Halal Nikah - Marriage - I Respect Knowledge- so if my Wife wants to Study or Practice Islam more I do not have problem and I will Support Her My Few and Basic Ideology : - In Islam Allah-عَزَّ وَجَلَّ - suggested not to look for Beauty- Country- Age- Infertility Issue - Language- Wealth etc on the First Level. So Love for Islam is the First Priority on the First Level - so I don’t have any problem with these issues . -With a Logical Discussion Everything can be solved- and Logical Discussion means to walk on Al Quran and Authentic Hadith - I am not Perfect and Nikah - Marriage is not about Joining the Perfect-s- but to Join the Good- then Both will make it Shine - Sprinkle and make Each Other the BEST- and take it to the Next Dimension - If I cannot do something- then I won-t make my own Logic to escape- instead I will Apology Every Light Seconds and TRY to FIND a Way to DO the correct thing - I TELL what I can DO and I DO what I can TELL I am researching on Human Social Structure Development- so that we all can fall in Love with Allah-عَزَّ وَجَلَّ - and Muhammad-ﷺ- I am very humorous- very funny and very logical- all according to Islam- the moment I realize my Acts-Speech are not according to Islam I will Stop immediately-try to Stop Soon. As Allah-عَزَّ وَجَلَّ - is More Important for me than what I want OR what I think OR what is logical for me. I love to understand Muslim Community- their culture and moral values. I cannot remember all the places where I visited- but few places I went: Dubai- Switzerland- France- Canada- America- Germany- India- Japan- Hungary- Turkey- Azerbaijan- Germany- Georgia etc
مواصفات شريك حياتي
I am looking for Practicing Muslimah by Seeing Whom I will Respect- Adore- Inspired…. - In Islam Allah-عَزَّ وَجَلَّ - suggested not to look for Beauty- Country- Age- Infertility Issue - Language- Wealth etc on the First Level. So Love for Islam is the First Priority on the First Level - so I don’t have any problem with these issues . - No Bidah-Shirkh - Sahih Authenticated - - A Person who Truly Loves Allah-S.W.T- and can stay beside me to LOVE Allah-عَزَّ وَجَلَّ --Muhammad-SAWS- MORE.