46 سنة عازب مقيم في أمريكا- رقم العضوية 2802769
- تاريخ آخر زيارة منذ 6 أعوام
- تاريخ التسجيل منذ 7 أعوام
السكن و الحالة الإجتماعية
- الجنسية الهند
- مكان الإقامة أمريكا تكساس
- الحالة العائلية 46 سنة عازب
بدون أطفال - نوع الزواج زوجة اولى
- الإلتزام الديني متدين
- الصلاة أصلي اغلب الأوقات
المظهر و الصحة
- لون البشرة اسمر فاتح
- الطول و الوزن 172 سم , 60 كغ
- بنية الجسم متوسط البنية
- اللحية لا
- الحالة الصحية اعاقة حركية
- التدخين لا
الدراسة و العمل
- المؤهل التعليمي دكتوراه
- مجال العمل مجال الهندسة / العلوم
- الوظيفة Researcher
- الدخل الشهري بين 7000 و 10000 دولار
- الوضع المادي جيد
مواصفاتي أنا
And here we go...... I-m a happy-go-lucky person that can laugh at myself and who-s witty- charming- considerate- and a good listener. I-m looking for a relationship for friendly banter- traveling- exploring new places and to generally share what life has to offer. I enjoy being active- cycling- reading and meditation. However- I also enjoy going to the movies -or watching them at home-- dining and socializing with my mates. I listen to a wide range of music- from Beehthoven to Yanni. I am a very playful- outrageous- silly and strong man. I am confident and used to getting what I aspire in life. I am looking for a woman who is used to the same. I am looking for a long term relationship that leads to marriage. Hay gals- What ever you do for a living- its something you absolutely LOVE! A great sense of humor is a must! Maybe you have older brothers who still to this day- mess with you and tease you- and you’re just as playful and sweet back to them. can-t wait to get to know you! I have travelled many places. I am from Kashmir- North of India. I did my Phd from Taiwan finally moved to USA on 1st Jan 2015. I am research scientist and my research is focussed on Breast and Brain cancer. Write to me if you are interested in a straight forward and fun person. I am not a medical doctor but a PhD doing research on cancer..
مواصفات شريك حياتي