43 سنة عازب مقيم في البحرين- رقم العضوية 3778969
- تاريخ آخر زيارة منذ 5 أعوام
- تاريخ التسجيل منذ 5 أعوام
السكن و الحالة الإجتماعية
- الجنسية البحرين
- مكان الإقامة البحرين الشمالية
- الحالة العائلية 43 سنة عازب
بدون أطفال - نوع الزواج زوجة اولى
- الإلتزام الديني متدين قليلا
- الصلاة أفضل أن لا أقول
المظهر و الصحة
- لون البشرة حنطي مائل للبياض
- الطول و الوزن 181 سم , 100 كغ
- بنية الجسم سمين
- اللحية نعم
- الحالة الصحية بصحة جيدة و الحمد لله
- التدخين لا
الدراسة و العمل
- المؤهل التعليمي دراسة جامعية
- مجال العمل مجال الهندسة / العلوم
- الوظيفة مهندس
- الدخل الشهري بين 1000 و 2000 دينار
- الوضع المادي متوسط
مواصفاتي أنا
I am 43 years old- a graduate from a prestigious university in my country - and I have Bahraini nationality-Kingdom of Bahrain -- I am currently working as a engineer at a prestigious senior position in a country . I come from a conservative and educated family- and as I-ve never been married before- I-m a very healthy person who doesn-t have any personal symptoms or disorders without a disease. I would like to form a marriage with a fine and elegant Muslim woman who has adopted a serious- honest and conservative lifestyle- a Russian citizen who has never been married before. who is 25 - 30 years old and living a conservative family structure according to Islamic traditions and customs in my country. Because of my knowledge of English and Arabic only- I prefer women who have a university degree with the same level of education.
مواصفات شريك حياتي
I am 43 years old- a graduate from a prestigious university in my country - and I have Bahraini nationality-Kingdom of Bahrain -- I am currently working as a engineer at a prestigious senior position in a country . I come from a conservative and educated family- and as I-ve never been married before- I-m a very healthy person who doesn-t have any personal symptoms or disorders without a disease. I would like to form a marriage with a fine and elegant Muslim woman who has adopted a serious- honest and conservative lifestyle- a Russian citizen who has never been married before. who is 25 - 30 years old and living a conservative family structure according to Islamic traditions and customs in my country. Because of my knowledge of English and Arabic only- I prefer women who have a university degree with the same level of education.