19 سنة آنسة مقيمة في النرويج- رقم العضوية 9161688
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مواصفاتي أنا
I am respectful I don-t insult I try to be a better muslim but yes no one is perfect I don-t expect you to be the perfect man either I just want to have someone who knows real love and are motivated to marry someone by their soul more than their looks wise and smart but i ask maybe to much questions but I just want to make sure my man is pleased ❤️ I have alot of anxiety sometimes
مواصفات شريك حياتي
Respectful Allah fearing Allah loving Allah awareness real love from the heart not from looks and must have a job of course but if you are poor it-s fine but you must be humble and grateful and don-t lie and show real love and don-t swear don-t insult be wise be smart improve with me explain your thoughts don-t keep things inside explain your worries but be posetive and marry because of the soul not because of looks marry besically because of real love mentally strong is importen