- رقم العضوية 9589038
- تاريخ آخر زيارة منذ 5 أشهر
- تاريخ التسجيل منذ 7 أشهر
السكن و الحالة الإجتماعية
- الجنسية المملكة المتحدة
- مكان الإقامة المملكة المتحدة لندن
- الحالة العائلية 27 سنة متزوج
بدون أطفال - نوع الزواج زوجة ثانية
- الإلتزام الديني متدين
- الصلاة أصلي دائما
المظهر و الصحة
- لون البشرة أبيض
- الطول و الوزن 192 سم , 80 كغ
- بنية الجسم متوسط البنية
- اللحية نعم
- الحالة الصحية بصحة جيدة و الحمد لله
- التدخين لا
الدراسة و العمل
- المؤهل التعليمي دراسة ثانوية
- مجال العمل مجال النقل
- الوظيفة Railway
- الدخل الشهري بين 1800 و 2500 دولار
- الوضع المادي متوسط
مواصفاتي أنا
Salam- In the name of Allah the Glorified and Praiseworthy I pray you are well My Name is Essa -Richard- contact: Via your wali I am 26 years old. I live and grew up in Langdon Hills- essex I am a British revert to Islam- I became Muslim around 13 years ago when I was quite young. I follow the Sunnah of Rasoolullah SAW and the Sahabah RA and the early generations of Muslims. I do not ascribe to a sect- but you could identify me as one who follows the Salaf -not a Salafi sect- I love to listen to Quran- nasheeds- lectures and am also a big fan of history - nature. I am well mannered and mature I have a stable job very hard working and ambitious and clear passion and love for my fellow Muslim also looking to please others rather than myself. looking to race and compete in worship- I love being involved different projects- I have worked with many Islamic organisations and have also been involved with Islamic TV shows as well as large events- as a volunteer and in work.
مواصفات شريك حياتي
I am looking for someone who will fulfil half deen and to strive towards Jannah and pleasing Allah SWT- I want to increase my knowledge and this should also be a goal for my spouse as its important beacause seeking knowledge makes getting into Jannah easier!!!