Muslim women from Italy wishing to marry

7 949 members are seeking their partners through our website

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seryine Morocco

39 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Brescia
User marital status Single
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rehab33 Morocco

34 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Milan
User marital status Divorced
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T.fa16 Morocco

47 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Brescia
User marital status Divorced
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manal to Morocco

25 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Torino
User marital status Single
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Heba-10 Morocco

46 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Verona
User marital status Single
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Hayat 74 Morocco

43 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Rome
User marital status Divorced
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Razala2 Morocco

32 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Brescia
User marital status Single
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Jana97 Morocco

20 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Milan
User marital status Single
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lita sam Morocco

22 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Pesaro
User marital status Single
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Samoura soso11 Italy

36 years, From Italy

User city Italy / Ascoli Piceno
User marital status Single
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natac Morocco

20 years, From Morocco

User city Italy / Pesaro
User marital status Single
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salima018 Italy

18 years, From Italy

User city Italy / Napoli
User marital status Single
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Amiraechi Italy

31 years, From Italy

User city Italy / Venice
User marital status Divorced