Muslim men from Netherlands wishing to marry

14 488 members are seeking their partners through our website

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jacksaa Netherlands

30 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Alkmaar
User marital status Divorced
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Wissam_0 Netherlands

38 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Alkmaar
User marital status Single
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Ahmadopi Syria

40 years, From Syria

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single
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nabilll2016 Morocco

40 years, From Morocco

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single
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Hakimmil Morocco

40 years, From Morocco

User city Netherlands / Twenthe
User marital status Divorced
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Rida 38 Netherlands

38 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Alkmaar
User marital status Divorced
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Ahmed der Netherlands

36 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Rotterdam
User marital status Divorced
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Baderfa Netherlands

72 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Haarlem
User marital status Divorced
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Mhmmed12 Netherlands

40 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Divorced
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Saleh00000 Syria

36 years, From Syria

User city Netherlands / Assen
User marital status Divorced
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Amineyou ari Morocco

37 years, From Morocco

User city Netherlands / Zandam
User marital status Single
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Samir1456 Palestine

40 years, From Palestine

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single
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حميد العبدلي Yemen

29 years, From Yemen

User city Netherlands / The Hague
User marital status Single
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Aalliiiii Netherlands

33 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Assen
User marital status Divorced
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Rslan NL Netherlands

40 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single
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Ami.n12 Syria

28 years, From Syria

User city Netherlands / Eindhoven
User marital status Single
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Musti125 Palestine

38 years, From Palestine

User city Netherlands / Alkmaar
User marital status Single
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Yvgdu Syria

39 years, From Syria

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single
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Maher.19 Netherlands

28 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Utrecht
User marital status Single
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Simo9833 Syria

35 years, From Syria

User city Netherlands / Delft
User marital status Single
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Ayadov78 Netherlands

43 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / The Hague
User marital status Divorced
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Mohemmed 12 Netherlands

43 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Divorced
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Rahmoni samad Morocco

30 years, From Morocco

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single
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Abdohac2 Syria

37 years, From Syria

User city Netherlands / Utrecht
User marital status Divorced
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Sannyou77 Netherlands

40 years, From Netherlands

User city Netherlands / Amsterdam
User marital status Single