- Member id 10395051
- Last login date 3 days ago
- Registration date 4 days ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Egypt
- Residence Egypt Tanta
- Marital status 37 years Single
No Child - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prefer Not to Say
Looks and health
- Skin color White
- Height and weight 158 cm , 58 kg
- Body shape Sporty
- Beard Yes
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking Yes
Education and work
- Educational qualification Middle school / junior high
- Field of work Another thing
- Job كاشير
- Monthly income Between 6000 and 9000 pounds
- Financial status Middle Class
About me
شاب عادة جدا اسمى أحمد اخاف الله وانا أعمل من صغيرى ولا اهتم بى المظاهر شخص طيب جدا بحب الناس كلها لم اكره احد
About my partner
تكون بنت ناس محترمة واخاف على بينها وزوجها وتتقى الله فى كل حاجة بس