21 years Single Male resident of United kingdom- Member id 10442790
- Last login date 22 days ago
- Registration date 3 months ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Afghanistan
- Residence United kingdom London
- Marital status 21 years Single
No Child - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Very religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Light brown to brown
- Height and weight 183 cm , 70 kg
- Body shape Sporty
- Beard Yes
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking No
Education and work
- Educational qualification High school
- Field of work Another thing
- Job Admin
- Monthly income Between 1800 and 2500 dollars
- Financial status Middle Class
About me
First of all I’m 19 but it doesn’t let me pick that option. I am someone who revolves their whole life around the deen and will not compromise it except out of necessity -meaning when there is a dire need to not when it is to make me feel comfortable-. I have been practicing since the age of 13 and have been studying Islam ever since then and I plan on continuing to study so I can hopefully become a student of knowledge. My family are practicing but aren’t so strict but also aren’t so liberal. I know how to read Quran with tajweed fluently and have led multiple prayers and taught at a madrasah for a bit. I am currently doing hifdh and plan on finishing the Quran in the next few years InshaAllah. I am currently doing a gap year and working in a family business and will in a few years time may be in a position where I will take it over. Even though I haven’t studied Islam formally yet -like in a university- I am planning to enrol myself in a place where I will be able to do that whether it is abroad or in this country. As for my personality I am someone who is easy going and energetic with the correct people. I have a sense of humour so I won’t get angry too easily lol. I don’t know what else to put about myself tbh.
About my partner
I want a someone whose main focus is the akhirah. I would like her to priories her role as a wife first before trying to fulfil any other roles. I would like her to be strict when it comes to her modesty and I would also like her to have some knowledge of the deen - doesn’t need to be a lot but enough-. I would also preferably would like her to know how to read Quran to a good standard but if she isn’t able to but is willing to learn then I can help her with this. If she wants to study I’ll only would be okay with her studying things which are important such as medicine since universities have too much free mixing. If she wants to work I wouldn’t want her to pursue a full on career since it would be difficult for her to be balancing being a wife and trying to pursue a career- I would like her main focus to be me. If she wants to work somewhere which doesn’t involve free mixing and isn’t too time consuming and she can balance work and home then I’ll be okay with it. I would like for her to be sweet- kind and have a sense of humour. I would also like her to know both my rights and her rights in a marriage so problems don’t occur much between us. -Will probably keep updating this since I need to remember some of the other stuff that I would like for her to be-