Soumaïne chaky
24 years Single Male resident of Chad Edit
- Member id 10490539
- Last login date 11 days ago
- Registration date 3 months ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Chad
- Residence Chad Djamena
- Marital status 24 years Single
No Child - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Light brown to brown
- Height and weight 180 cm , 83 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Beard Yes
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking No
Education and work
- Educational qualification Graduate / Post Graduate
- Field of work Another thing
- Job Fonctionnaire
- Monthly income Prefer Not to Say
- Financial status Middle Class
About me
Moi je suis un homme simple qui cherche une femme. Mon WhatsApp: -201507810720 أنا رجل بسيط أبحث عن امرأة. الواتس اب الخاص بي: -201507810720 I am a simple man looking for a woman. My WhatsApp: -201507810720
About my partner
ليس لدي مشكلة إذا كانت مطلقة أم لا وليس لدي مشكلة مع العمر أيضًا أريد فقط أن تعمل حتى نتمكن من مساعدة بعضنا البعض. I don-t have a problem if she is divorced or not and I don-t have a problem with age either I just want it to work so we can help each other. Je n-ai pas de problème si elle est divorcée ou non et je n-ai pas non plus de problème avec l-âge- je veux juste que ça marche pour que nous puissions nous entraider.