65 years Widowed Male resident of United states- Member id 10603061
- Last login date 12 days ago
- Registration date 2 months ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality United states
- Residence United states Texas
- Marital status 65 years Widowed
With 2 - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color White
- Height and weight 130 cm , 50 kg
- Body shape Slim
- Beard Yes
- Health status Vitiligo
- Smoking No
Education and work
- Educational qualification High school
- Field of work Another thing
- Job I’m an independent contractor i dea
- Monthly income More than 15000 dollars
- Financial status Lower Class
About me
I am a logger- and my job is to harvest logs of wood and deliver them to other log export agencies that export them to the international market. I am currently working on my last project here in the Boreal rain forest in Yukon- Canada. It is a 5-month private project- and I have two supervisors and 22 workers working with me on this project. I have one month left to round up this project. I love and respect my job. I think it is a great job- and I like the adventure in it- although it-s an unsafe and dangerous situation- but God always shows his mercy towards me and sees me through. I have plans to buy a new house after my project. I am Financially secure and my achievement with my career is at its peak but means nothing to me without someone to enjoy life with...-
About my partner
I am a logger- and my job is to harvest logs of wood and deliver them to other log export agencies that export them to the international market. I am currently working on my last project here in the Boreal rain forest in Yukon- Canada. It is a 5-month private project- and I have two supervisors and 22 workers working with me on this project. I have one month left to round up this project. I love and respect my job. I think it is a great job- and I like the adventure in it- although it-s an unsafe and dangerous situation- but God always shows his mercy towards me and sees me through. I have plans to buy a new house after my project. I am Financially secure and my achievement with my career is at its peak but means nothing to me without someone to enjoy life with...-