- Member id 1258330
- Last login date 9 hours ago
- Registration date 13 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Pakistan
- Residence Pakistan Faisalabad
- Marital status 35 years Married
With 2 - Marriage type Second wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Wheatish whitish
- Height and weight 178 cm , 76 kg
- Body shape Slim
- Beard Yes
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking No
Education and work
- Educational qualification Graduate / Post Graduate
- Field of work Another thing
- Job التدريس
- Monthly income Prefer Not to Say
- Financial status Middle Class
About me
-نحن السادة حسن - والحمدلله انا حافظ للقرآن- طالب و متخرج علوم الشريعة. و شاب انتمي الى عائلة متدينة، واقوم بما وجب الله علي محاولا لارضائه قدر المستطاعة، ابغا أتزوج بامرأة صالحة ناصحة . لا عيب في الاولى لكن لاحتياجي إلى زوجة أخرى We are the noble descendants of Hasan- and by the grace of Allah- I am a Hafiz of the Quran. I am a student and graduate of Islamic sciences- and a young man belonging to a religious family. I strive to fulfill the obligations Allah has placed upon me- seeking His pleasure to the best of my ability. I wish to marry a righteous and sincere woman. There is no fault in my first wife- but I am in need of a second wife. I know 4 languages- Arabic - Urdu-Punjabi-English
About my partner
متدنية ، وتحب الاولاد والانجاب، وميسورة الحال..