24 years Single Resident of American samoa Edit
- Member id 3079728
- Registration date 7 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Bahrain
- Residence American samoa Pago Pago
- Marital status 24 years Single
No Child - Marriage type Only one wife
- Religious commitment Prefer Not to Say
- Prayer Prefer Not to Say
Looks and health
- Skin color White
- Height and weight 168 cm , 70 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking No
- Veil Not veiled
Education and work
- Educational qualification Middle school / junior high
- Field of work Technical / science / engineering
- Job
- Monthly income Between 500 and 800 dollars
- Financial status Middle Class
About me
انا انسانة هداءة وحنونة اشتغال بي مجال الهندسة كل شي متوفر لدي ونحمدو لله
About my partner
سلام عليكم اوا وقبال كل شي اتمنا ان اجد شخص يفهمني وافهمه ونستمر مع بعض ونتجواز مشكال ونعيش حياة خلي من البرطوكولات ومليءة بي الحب وحنان هدا حلمي اساسه انت وقعدته انا ونتما توفق الى الجميع