احمد شاهين 123
34 years Divorced Male resident of Saudi arabia Edit
- Member id 3802096
- Last login date 5 years ago
- Registration date 5 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Egypt
- Residence Saudi arabia At-Taif
- Marital status 34 years Divorced
No Child - Marriage type Second wife
- Religious commitment Little religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color White
- Height and weight 164 cm , 85 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Beard No
- Health status Visual disability
- Smoking Yes
Education and work
- Educational qualification Middle school / junior high
- Field of work Technical / science / engineering
- Job رسام معماري
- Monthly income Prefer Not to Say
- Financial status Lower Class
About me
انا ابن حلال وغلبان وعوز اعيش حياة عادية وطيب وحنون واحب اراعي اهل البيت والله الموفق ان شاء الله ونه رقمي للتواصل ٠٥٥٧٣٠٥٥٧٣
About my partner
تكون بيت حلال وتخاف الله فني وفي عيالي وتعرف امور الاسره وترعيها حلو وتخاف عليها وعلي كل الي احبهم