41 years Divorced Male resident of Saudi arabia Edit
- Member id 3834751
- Last login date 5 years ago
- Registration date 5 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Saudi arabia Kabali
- Residence Saudi arabia Dammam
- Marital status 41 years Divorced
With 1 - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Little religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Moderate brown
- Height and weight 170 cm , 84 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Beard No
- Health status Invisible disability
- Smoking Yes
Education and work
- Educational qualification Middle school / junior high
- Field of work Another thing
- Job قطاع خاص
- Monthly income Unemployed
- Financial status Rich
About me
هذا رقم الوتساب وانا يشهد الله جاد واخاف الله وارغب فالزوجه الصالحه باذن الله واعاهدها بالله اذا لم يحصل اتفاق احذف الرقم ******
About my partner
تُخٌآفُ آلَلَهِہ وُتُقَدُر آلَحيـﮯآهِہ آلَزوُجَيـﮯهِہ