40 years Divorced Resident of Saudi arabia Edit
- Member id 3909342
- Last login date 5 years ago
- Registration date 5 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Saudi arabia Prefer not to say
- Residence Saudi arabia Jeddah
- Marital status 40 years Divorced
With 3 Children - Marriage type Accept polygamy
- Religious commitment Not religious
- Prayer Prays Usually
Looks and health
- Skin color Moderate brown
- Height and weight 162 cm , 102 kg
- Body shape Overweight
- Health status Psychiatric disability
- Smoking Yes
- Veil Veiled with Niqab
Education and work
- Educational qualification Middle school / junior high
- Field of work Without employment
- Job .......
- Monthly income Unemployed
- Financial status Lower Class
About me
انا هادئه جدا وراسيه وودوه واحب الرجل تزوجت مرتين خسرت كل شي أرغب في الاستقرار العاطفي والنفسي وانشالله اكون جد متفهمه
About my partner
رجل يحميني ويكون ميسور الحال عاقل لايدخلني معاه في مشاكل ويستقر معي في بلدي ولا يرغب في الانجاب