من القصيم 2
68 years Married Male resident of Saudi arabia Edit
- Member id 4516029
- Last login date 4 years ago
- Registration date 5 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Saudi arabia Kabali
- Residence Saudi arabia Al Kaseem
- Marital status 68 years Married
With 6 Children - Marriage type Second wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Wheatish whitish
- Height and weight 170 cm , 80 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Beard Yes
- Health status Diabetes
- Smoking No
Education and work
- Educational qualification High school
- Field of work Administration
- Job متقاعد
- Monthly income Between 12000 and 16000 riyals
- Financial status Rich
About me
ذوخلق ودين من بريده قبيلي اسمي ينتهي بعائله ابحث عن الانجاب احب الاطفال
About my partner
ذات خلق ودين سعوديه مايتعدى عمرها ٤٠ سنه ماعندها اولااد يابنات الي عندها رقم خاطبه او خاطب في القصيم اكون شكرا ا لها وجزاها الله خير ولها الاجر من الله او جمعيه للزواج او اي طريقه او اقتراح اقبله دلوني عليه ابغى زوجه