حسن استوبر
26 years Single Male resident of Mauritania Edit
- Member id 7954732
- Registration date 2 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Sudan
- Residence Mauritania Nouakchott
- Marital status 26 years Single
No Child - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Little religious
- Prayer Prays Most of The Time
Looks and health
- Skin color Moderate brown
- Height and weight 160 cm , 50 kg
- Body shape Slim
- Beard No
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking Yes
Education and work
- Educational qualification High school
- Field of work Private
- Job صاحب عمل خاص
- Monthly income Between 200 and 500 dollars
- Financial status Middle Class
About me
إنسان بيسط وهادي ولا احب الإهانة من أي إنسان بأي شكل من الأشكال ولا أحبها لغيري .
About my partner
ان تكون ذات اخلاق وتدين وراغبة في الستر والعفاف وتقدر الحياة الزوجية