يارب يامجيب111
26 years Single Resident of Saudi arabia Edit
- Member id 850742
- Registration date 14 years ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality Saudi arabia Kabali
- Residence Saudi arabia Jeddah
- Marital status 26 years Single
No Child - Marriage type Only one wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Wheatish whitish
- Height and weight 154 cm , 57 kg
- Body shape Sporty
- Health status Psychiatric disability
- Smoking No
- Veil Veiled with Niqab
Education and work
- Educational qualification High school
- Field of work Food services
- Job مشرفه بالجامعه
- Monthly income Between 1000 and 3000 riyals
- Financial status Lower Middle Class
About me
انا الحمدلله اصلي واخاف الله واخلاقي حلوة مع الجميع ولاازكي على نفسي متفاهمه حبوبه وفرفوشه مقبوله الشكل ولاينقصني شيء قبيليه من الباحه وساكنه جده من زمان واحب جده ملاحظه-النفسيه اللي عندي خوف فقط وليس شيء ثاني بس الحمدلله اتمتع بصحه جيده
About my partner
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