This member's profile is no longer available
You cannot view this member's profile for the following reasons :
- This member has found their soulmate and is no longer interested in using our services. They have requested that their profile be deleted.
- This member has decided to terminate their membership for personal reasons.
- This member's account has been terminated due to violations of our website policies and a lack of genuine interest in seeking a marriage partner.
General data
- Member id 9544351
- Last login date 11 days ago
- Registration date a year ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality United arab emirates
- Residence United arab emirates Dubai
- Marital status 38 years Divorced
With 3 Children - Marriage type Accept polygamy
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Light brown to brown
- Height and weight 168 cm , 67 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking No
- Veil Veiled with Niqab
Education and work
- Educational qualification High school
- Field of work Another thing
- Monthly income Prefer Not to Say
- Financial status Prefer Not to Say