Always Pure @
53 years Divorced Male resident of United arab emirates Edit
- Member id 9814156
- Last login date in 2 hours
- Registration date 9 months ago
Nationality, residency and familial status
- Nationality United arab emirates
- Residence United arab emirates Dubai
- Marital status 53 years Divorced
With 3 Children - Marriage type First wife
- Religious commitment Religious
- Prayer Prays Punctually
Looks and health
- Skin color Wheatish whitish
- Height and weight 171 cm , 80 kg
- Body shape Medium
- Beard Yes
- Health status Healthy
- Smoking No
Education and work
- Educational qualification Doctorate
- Field of work Law
- Job Businessman
- Monthly income Prefer Not to Say
- Financial status Rich
About me
I am Highly educated and I am ONLY looking for an educated smart mature female. I am a PURE UAE national and all my profile information are 100 percent true and correct . I am ONLY interested in females living in Arabian Gulf countries…
About my partner
I am looking for an educated life partner. I can ONLY type in English as this is how I learned typing- However I can read and speak Arabic. Please DO NOT text me if you can’t read my profile… Kindly note that I am a PURE UAE national.