Success Stories

Congratulations to all those who have found their life partners !

May Allah bless your marriage with love, mercy, and understanding
We have 41 042 success stories

Page: 102

  • Praise be to God, I found a real man who keeps his promises. 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 9 days of my registration.
  • I have found success inside this website. Thanks to those behind it. 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after a month of my registration.
  • I found someone who suits me and whom I like, I hope I will be suitable for him, hope you all the well, and thank you to the site owners. 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 13 hours of my registration.
  • Thank you for your service on this site 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 4 months of my registration.
  • The app gave me what I wanted 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 3 months of my registration.
  • I met with the right partner, May Allah bless you. I want to say something for those who see some requirements difficult to meet; I tell you to ask the conditions that you want and let the other party as those they want, no problem since the doors of heaven are open and wide.. so do not worry about anything because Allah's favor covers everything. Wish what you like and pray to Allah and trust His generosity and giving ?? Allah's generosity is without limits, so you have to be comfortable and live in peace 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 2 months of my registration.
  • I found a wife and may God bless everyone. 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 3 months of my registration.
  • Praise be to God, I found someone who is a good father, brother, and husband. Praise be to God 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 2 days of my registration.
  • Praise God for guiding me ?? and thanks to everyone who contributed to making this app. May God reward you all. 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 2 months of my registration.
  • Praise be to God, and thanks be to God, we have been compatible with one of the sisters, and God willing, soon we will consummate the marriage. Thank you for your support and may you always be patient. 

    a year ago
    I found my life partner after 2 years of my registration.