- ID Du Membre 10193648
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a 5 mois
- Date D'inscription il y a 5 mois
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité Bangladesh
- Pays De Résidence Bangladesh Chittagong
- Situation Familiale 25 ans Célibataire
Sans enfants - Type De Mariage Première épouse
- Engagement Religieux Très religieux
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Blanc
- Taille Et Poids 165 cm , 65 kg
- Forme Du Corps Silhouette moyenne
- Barbe Oui
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Non
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Études universitaires
- Secteur D'emploi Enseignement
- Emploi Tutor
- Revenu Mensuel Moins de 200 dollars
- Situation Financière Classe moyenne
À Propos De Moi
First of all-I pray 5 times prayer regularly.I try to maintain religious values strictly.I didn-t have girl-friend yet.I store all my love - affection for my wife.I want to marry to save myself from fitnah-sin.I have just recently completed my MBA degree in Marketing department from University of Dhaka having 1st class result.Right now I am applying for job - looking for bride side by side.We are two brothers.Another brother is also doing mba in accounting in the same university.My mother had died of brain stroke in 2017.My hobby is to recite Quranul Kareem after Fajr prayer - sing nasheed honoring prophet-PBUH-.After marriage I want to pass quality time with my wife - to love my best to her. Permanent Address Barek Building-Agrabad-Chittagong My Physical Description: Blood Group- A- Body Type- Average-Normal- Height- 5.5- Weight- 65 Color: Fair Alhamdulillah no physical problem. Educational Details: -JSC--Agrabad Govt Colony High School- Chittagong Board-passed in 2012-securing GPA of 4.86 out of 5.00 -SSC-Business Studies--Agrabad Govt Colony High School- Chittagong Board-passed in 2015 securing GPA-5 -HSC-Business Studies--Govt Commerce College--Chittagong Board-passed in 2017 securing GPA -5 -BBA-Department of Marketing-University of Dhaka-passed in 2022-securing CGPA 3.32 out of 4.00 -MBA-Department of Marketing-University of Dhaka-passed in 2024-securing CGPA of 3.58 out of 4.00 Madhahab: Hanafi Sect: Sunni
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
I am seeking a kind-hearted and religious bride who will love me deeply and bring me peace- and I want to love her just as much. I wish for my wife to wear parda-hijab.I want to enjoy her cooking hand. She will be my close companion in performing Fajr and Tahajjud prayers. She will be content with my halal earnings.I don-t want to take dowry Inshaallah - will marry according to sunnah excluding all the haram occasions. I have intention to visit Baitullah - Medina for Hazz - Umrah. Together- we will build a beautiful Islamic family with my children-If Allah gifted- and the hand she grabbed me that I wishes to be in Jannah❤️.