Sarah Thatyanna
44 ans Veuve Résidente de : Brésil- ID Du Membre 10266158
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a 4 heures
- Date D'inscription il y a 5 mois
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité Brésil
- Pays De Résidence Brésil Sao Paulo
- Situation Familiale 44 ans Veuve
Sans enfants - Type De Mariage Une seule épouse
- Engagement Religieux Très religieuse
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Très blanc
- Taille Et Poids 168 cm , 69 kg
- Forme Du Corps Mince
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Oui
- Voile Voilée - visage visible
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Études universitaires
- Secteur D'emploi Commerce
- Emploi Self emploee
- Revenu Mensuel Je préfère ne pas dire
- Situation Financière Je préfère ne pas dire
À Propos De Moi
Reverter Muslimah Alhamdulillah-simple person who like the simple things in life. I hate lies and lierd- jokers-playboys-fake muslim who use the religion to get advantage. Time is Very precious so If you are the kind are here to spend your time Go away and don-t spend my time. If you are here to ask pics Because to you is priority the Beautiful face you can Go away too-Because by This we can see you are empaty person worry with material things-só Don-t waste your time and keep away. If you became Brazilian mind and life style or If you like colect womens on internet Go away too Because you Don-t have respect and character. As you can see I-m direct person and look for a real muslim who have character respect dignity and Knows what marriage means and are ready to suport a marriage life Don-t ask to live on the women home as is Very normal in Brazil-who is loyality and respect the religion once anything is against From Islam is not acceptable. I love bê with my family-my mom-so I Don-t Will move abroad and left my mom Alone here.If you not able to move to here or not ready to assume the married responsability you can Go away too. No time to jokers and players and who-s search a home here-and visa Because I not Embassy. Good Luck to all In sha Allah
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
Reverter Muslimah Alhamdulillah-simple person who like the simple things in life. I hate lies and lierd- jokers-playboys-fake muslim who use the religion to get advantage. Time is Very precious so If you are the kind are here to spend your time Go away and don-t spend my time. If you are here to ask pics Because to you is priority the Beautiful face you can Go away too-Because by This we can see you are empaty person worry with material things-só Don-t waste your time and keep away. If you became Brazilian mind and life style or If you like colect womens on internet Go away too Because you Don-t have respect and character. As you can see I-m direct person and look for a real muslim who have character respect dignity and Knows what marriage means and are ready to suport a marriage life Don-t ask to live on the women home as is Very normal in Brazil-who is loyality and respect the religion once anything is against From Islam is not acceptable. I love bê with my family-my mom-so I Don-t Will move abroad and left my mom Alone here.If you not able to move to here or not ready to assume the married responsability you can Go away too. No time to jokers and players and who-s search a home here-and visa I not embassy