يوسف امين قوني
45 ans Marié Résident de : Tchad- ID Du Membre 10414526
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a 5 jours
- Date D'inscription il y a 25 jours
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité Soudan
- Pays De Résidence Tchad Djamena
- Situation Familiale 45 ans Marié
Avec 3 Enfants - Type De Mariage Deuxième épouse
- Engagement Religieux Religieux
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Mate clair
- Taille Et Poids 150 cm , 68 kg
- Forme Du Corps Silhouette moyenne
- Barbe Oui
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Oui
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Doctorat
- Secteur D'emploi Domaine médical
- Emploi طبيب
- Revenu Mensuel Entre 200 et 500 dollars
- Situation Financière Classes populaires
À Propos De Moi
Personal Essay 1: Currently- I work at Université Adam Barka d-Abéché training healthcare executives and as a pediatric practitioner at Abéché Teaching Hospital- managing TB-HIV detection efforts and collaborating with -CHWs- to enhance patient outcomes. One of my significant contributions was leading a study on hepatitis B-C prevalence in Sudan during my MPH at Khartoum University. This research informed public health interventions to reduce transmission in remote areas. Our study links tattoo history to hepatitis C- identifying a new intervention target -https:--bit.ly-4fkYRx1-. These findings influenced Sudanese health policy by integrating HCV screening into primary care and raising awareness about hepatitis B -http:--bit.ly-3NFaGCD-. As a result- newly identified hepatitis C infection rates declined from 16- to 6- over three years -https:--bit.ly-48r2IGv-. I also played a key role in assessing meat hygiene quality in Chad and providing recommendations for improving public health standards -https:--bit.ly-3NJrxnI-. Through a grant from the -WHO-DR- for my master’s studies in implementation research- I participated in a two-month training program in Mali at CSLS-TBH -https:--bit.ly-4e9ElOU-- focusing on combating HIV-TB- and viral hepatitis. During this time- I enhanced my skills in data analysis- community engagement- and case management.I collaborated with professionals to organize workshops and campaigns that provided essential information on prevention and control of these diseases
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
تبعا لقول الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام، تنكح المراه لثلاثة، لكنه ركز في الاخير فاظفروا بذات الدين، أيضا تزوجوا الودود الولو، اسال الله ان يرزقني زوجة صالحة تخاف الله