- ID Du Membre 10515209
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a 13 jours
- Date D'inscription il y a 2 mois
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité France
- Pays De Résidence Malaisie Kuala Lumpur
- Situation Familiale 52 ans Veuf
Avec 3 Enfants - Type De Mariage Première épouse
- Engagement Religieux Religieux
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Mate clair
- Taille Et Poids 176 cm , 90 kg
- Forme Du Corps Corpulent
- Barbe Oui
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Non
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Études universitaires
- Secteur D'emploi Autre chose
- Emploi spirulina grower
- Revenu Mensuel Entre 1800 et 2500 dollars
- Situation Financière Classe moyenne
À Propos De Moi
I am a mixed race man and i grew up in France but I lived in several countries and I made the hijra to Malaysia. I am a widower since 10 years and now that my kids are nearly all adults -16 to 20-- I would like to share whatever Allah will allow me to live with a nice and loving wife incha Allah. I am far from being perfect but I am an honest and hardworking man seeking the blessing of Allah while enjoying the beauty of this life with my wife incha Allah. Jazakum Allah khairan.
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
Al salam alaykum- I am looking for an honest and responsible wife that fears ALLAH and wishes to be loved in a simple man-s life. I will love and cherish and respect her because it-s what i am also expecting from her and this is all what marriage is about insha Allah.I am expecting her to move to Malaysia incha Allah. Please be honest and do not hesitate to ask me whatever you want to know. May Allah bless this encounter and give to each soul the peace and happiness that she deserve- amin.