30 ans Célibataire Résident de : Suède- ID Du Membre 10534674
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a 16 heures
- Date D'inscription il y a 2 mois
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité Afghanistan
- Pays De Résidence Suède -
- Situation Familiale 30 ans Célibataire
Sans enfants - Type De Mariage Première épouse
- Engagement Religieux Religieux
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Blanc
- Taille Et Poids 173 cm , 74 kg
- Forme Du Corps Silhouette sportive
- Barbe Oui
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Non
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Doctorat
- Secteur D'emploi Domaine médical
- Emploi Student
- Revenu Mensuel Entre 200 et 500 euros
- Situation Financière Classe moyenne
À Propos De Moi
Assalamu alaykum- Please note: If you would like to know more about me please send me a message then inshaa Allah I will get back to you- BaarakAllahu feekum. I am currently in my almost fifth year of medical university. I am constantly striving to become a better Muslim. I am working hard to implement Islam in every aspect of my life- though I acknowledge that I have many shortcomings. Alhamdulillah- here are some significant aspects of my life that I typically prefer to keep between myself and Allah -SWT-. However- I am sharing them here so that a sister may assess if our values and priorities align. With the help of Allah -SWT-: I perform both obligatory and voluntary prayers. I fast during Ramadan and observe additional voluntary fasts. I abstain from smoking and drinking. I do not listen to music or watch movies. I am striving to memorize the Qur-an- with my primary focus on understanding its tafseer. I am actively seeking Islamic knowledge by following Zad academy courses. I also preparing myself to become a good da-ee- inshaa Allah. I have a deep passion for learning- not only in medicine but also in seeking Islamic knowledge. In the future- I hope to raise my children in an environment where they have access to excellent Islamic education. I understand that finding a good spouse with shared values is challenging in this era. I have great love and respect for my parents and siblings. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad -SAW- said-paraphrasing- Woe to the one whose parents- one or both- reach old age during his lifetime and he does not enter Jannah. I prefer to identify myslef simply as a Muslim to avoid disunity in the Ummah. I follow Qur-an and authentic Sunnah as understood by Salafs.
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
I am striving to live a life in accordance with Islamic principles. In this journey- I seek a spouse who can help me- and whom I can help in return- to follow Islam at every step of life. I want her to always prioritize Islam above all else. There was a time in my life when I was not religious- but Alhamdulillah- Allah -SWT- guided me back to Him. Since then- I have been doing my best to show my family the importance of Islam. I hope my future spouse will support me in this effort. I am mindful not to let my ignorance or actions distance others from Islam- and I aim to approach everything gradually and with wisdom—while ensuring nothing goes against the deen of Allah. I want my spouse to cooperate with me in bringing Islamic principles into our lives and in raising our children with both Islamic and worldly education. I deeply love and respect my parents and siblings- and I want to see them happy and steadfast in Islam. Likewise- I am looking for a wife who values and cares for her parents and family. I believe that the beauty of one’s heart is far more important than external appearances. To me- true inner beauty stems from the love of Allah and adherence to His deen. I want my future spouse to embody this inner beauty- which comes when Allah and His deen reside in her heart. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad -SAW- said -paraphrasing-- a woman is married for four reasons- but the most important one is her religion. Therefore- I give the highest importance to her piety above all else. Islam is a beautiful way of life- and those who follow it radiate that beauty.