- ID Du Membre 10623540
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a un mois
- Date D'inscription il y a un mois
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité Malaisie
- Pays De Résidence Malaisie Putrajaya
- Situation Familiale 58 ans Veuve
Avec 4 Enfants - Type De Mariage Une seule épouse
- Engagement Religieux Religieuse
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Blanc mate
- Taille Et Poids 153 cm , 60 kg
- Forme Du Corps Silhouette sportive
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Non
- Voile Voilée - visage visible
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Études universitaires
- Secteur D'emploi Retraité
- Emploi Ex lecturer
- Revenu Mensuel Moins de 200 dollars
- Situation Financière Classes populaires
À Propos De Moi
I am just a slave of Allah😌. Spiritually- I am seriously preparing myself to meet Allah. I take good care of my health and in good shape. I walk twice a week for 5 kms and spend time on gardening- cooking healthy dishes and must do house chores. I have skill in massaging- so it-s a bonus for my man! I am preparing the best version of me after years of painful affliction when I decided to move on😍. I believe beauty is to the 👀 of beholder- thus if man is merely looking for an external beauty- I am not in your list 😁 According to many- I am such a nice companion with unforgettable smile🥹. I have many friends- but still family comes first. As I am for one husband only- infidelity is never in mind because I believe all problems between a husband and a wife can always be solved regardless how long it takes and how serious it is. I practise moderation in life and eating only halalan toyibban. It is grateful to be healthy- energetic- happy with positive mindset. As human- I am at times feel down and hurt. I wish this will end with someone to share my life with soon. I am not into material world- but for the blissful Akhirah- still the world is not less in it importance for me. Surah Al Fajr -27-30- ˹Allah will say to the righteous-˺ “O tranquil soul! Return to your Lord- well pleased ˹with Him˺ and well pleasing ˹to Him˺. So join My servants- and enter My Paradise.”
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
I am searching for a kind widower-divorcee -not a never married man- who is honest and fear Allah only because there are too many scammers who don-t fear Allah and befriend syaitan. They fuckingly faking their bloody real identity to manipulate others for money. Remember!!! The haram will send you to hell fire. Hey! I am not seeking Mr Perfect- but someone with similar akhirah vision and is ready to care for each other until end of our life. He shall bring my real smile back and rejuvenate me. Of course- we shall be compatible according to Islamic perspective and- one who earn halalal toyyiban. I wish for my man to lead our household to get closer to Allah such as jumaah prayers- fasting- be nice to relatives and neighbours- overall surrounded by positive vibes. He shall exemplify Rasulullah SAW in his mental- behaviours and words. Ooopp!! I am not into polygamy..... sorry😁. Don-t get me wrong. I never against polygamy but just refuse to involve. -Back to my man❤️- He shall be balanced in all aspects of his life according to Islam. He has to be someone with education as it dignifies his honour to the importance of education in one-s life. He shall be economically stable so our marriage life not in jeopardy. I never expect for lavishness- just my level of status quo🌹.