- ID Du Membre 9391679
- Dernière Date De Connexion il y a 19 heures
- Date D'inscription il y a un an
Nationalité, Résidence et Statut Familial
- Nationalité Indonésie
- Pays De Résidence Indonésie Jakarta
- Situation Familiale 34 ans Célibataire
Sans enfants - Type De Mariage Une seule épouse
- Engagement Religieux Très religieuse
- Prière Je prie régulièrement
Santé Et Apparence
- Couleur De Peau Très blanc
- Taille Et Poids 165 cm , 50 kg
- Forme Du Corps Mince
- État de santé En bonne santé
- Tabagisme Non
- Voile Voilée - niqab
Études Et Profession
- Niveau D'étude Études universitaires
- Secteur D'emploi Sans emploi
- Emploi Unemployed
- Revenu Mensuel Je préfère ne pas dire
- Situation Financière Je préfère ne pas dire
À Propos De Moi
﷽ I am shy person and please message me first because even I interested with someone I would not leading a conversation..Thank you.. I am a girl who still far away from the word shalehah and can-t said that I am religious or not. because Iman is always up and down- i always wants to reflect and improve myself to be a better person ⭐i always try to stay away from ghibah- music- ikhtilath- although it is very difficult to avoid now because it has become part of society including at my home. Hopefully always istiqamah and Allah Ta-ala can always give hidayah taufiq and maghfirah for me and my family. ⭐My friends says Iam feminine gentle yet cheerful but they dont know that I can very quiet when I mad or disappointed sometimes coward and lazy sometimes stubborn when I feeling wronged injustice and always want to search comfort zone like to stay away from the people who had bad behavior can-t doing something with under pressure- hate to argue with another. I really cant be with tempramental - demanding husband-.. Wallahu a-lam ⭐All my family is muslim Alhamdulillah- my parents always provide me with good school and education. I never had study in Islamic school before but Alhamdulillah Allah Azza wa Jalla always protect me from another gender⭐When i-m still in University Alhamdulillah Allah Azza wa Jalla guide me and meet the Sunnah Muslim Sunni salafiyin and Alhamdulillah its easier for me to learn and accept it-I am very happy to learn more about true Islam- in the past when I have a free time on weekend i go to tholabul ilm in mosque with ustadz Sunnah or streaming online in YouTube Rodja TVnwith Syaikh Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad Hafidzhahullah- ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas- Hafidzahullah- Ustadz DR Syafiq Riza Basalamah MA- Hafidzahullah- n etc ⭐I want to learn Arabic language because I know it-s very important for being Muslim. But now Im stay with my parents hometown Qadarullah it cant be done and I didnt have a good progress in my home- So my arabic language is still 0 My English is low standard pasif but I still can communicate--- fluent in Bahasa and can speak sunda language..next Arabic language ⭐based on the people I meet or friend opinion my appearance in bare face can consider in good condition- and looks young maybe I can standing with under 30 person Alhamdulillah but this is Asian esthetic point of view. And If your mind always thinking why iam still single in the past many proposal come to my family but Qadarullah this is Allah Azza wa Jalla will you can directly asking me the details reason dont worry is not because something unpleasant about me.
À Propos De Mon Partenaire
﷽ -Ya Akhi what I want is legally married with government permission..not Misyar or contract or etc- ⭐ He is very good to me as his wife. ⭐ if you grow up as muslim the most important things 1. His Morality .adab.I cant judge you based on this app. but at least for now your writing reflect on your behaviour 2. His Deen. Not ambitious Du.nya protect himself from fitna Syubhat and syahwat. -practicing Muslim who is not mixing with non mahram not listening music isbal shaved beard or doing riba bidah and etc becouse from my understanding is prohibited ... my apologies if my words offended you just skip me if you dislike my comment. I respect all individuals Muslim and not judge bad becouse of their choice but hopefully you also respect my choice . I prefer my hubby can become a good Imam and role model to our family and leading us to highest Jannah- Aamiin..of course the most important things is the same Aqeedah following Qur-aan and Sunnah based on Salafusshaleh understanding. -⭐I also open up to Mualaf or reverted Muslim- I don-t see his past as long as he is really serious towards his Deen and stay away from haram things become practicing Muslim who is good to his wife and his goals is always optimis- ambitious to finding and bring his family to highest Jannah- Aamiin... Thank you for reading this Baarakallahu fyikum